Chef, i m in love with a nutritionist

Ïîëîñàòûé Çÿáëèê
Chef, I am in love with a nutritionist.
You tell me about fried prawns,
about a sausage in cider
with herbs and caramelized apple.
But he talks about the cabbage,
the broccoli from ancient Rome,
his hair curls so much like it!
Chef, last night you took me out;
my boy, did you try to surprise me?
You know, the dietitian
killed a tiger when he was fifteen
and used his skin like a carpet!
I met him one July evening
an early evening in the mountains,
when the swallows gathered
on the wires to look
what was going to happen.
It was so quite…in such evenings
you can hear how the skirt rustles
when it touches the sand…
he then said: ‘Come with me,
I will make you a cocktail
of fresh strawberries and an orange,
I’ll prepare it like for my sister’.
Chef, I’m in love with a nutritionist…
But you look so sad…I am the sad one,
Because he said: ‘ like for my sister’,
for a sister, not for his wife.