Do not want to know

Элеонора Молочная
I don't know why are you so cold,
I don't know why these stars aren't shining,
I don't know how we grew so old,
I don't know and don't feel like I want to.

All my previous feelings are dull,
Just comically week and worthless,
All further ones would be fatal,
And they seem to be equally pointless.

I don't know how this story goes,
I don't know if it comes to an end,
I don't know how old are u now,
I don't know even what is your name.

And this time seems to be endless,
I don't trust you, not anymore,
Today is the hardest day,
Harder than ever before.

I don't know how to make decisions,
All I know: I'm totally lost,
I don't know what were your motivations,
And I don't feel like I want anymore.
