
Татьяна Залужная
 грустно-стёбное...ля минор с чертовщинкой в одном глазу ;)

We met somewhere on the lost path in the darkness
Ha called me, he convicted Set a date
I just got used to living in the lake of fire
And I’m not praying for a better fate

The sense of life is covered
and concealed in darkness
though I have thought I have revealed the clue
the way is foggy and the road is markless
I am dying for the ophans every day

My essence is expiring every minute
I have forgotten where to reload the DNA

I used to say them “go to school” thing
And they decided go and smell some glue
I am staring at the sky and finding some wings
I am feeling cheerful and certainly feel blue

You know my way and I have seen your way
he said he has no money for the tickets …funny
if he has palaces and cars who has to pay
but love has never been about money

you want me to feel guilty, guilty feels the god
you, jesus Christ, don’t say that you have trapped me
my thoughts can trap me and the master of my time
please go away and check Your soul for mud

life's only game and we both play a scene
what god created? He betrayed a sin

the day is over I am about sending you a check
but didn’t I say I couldn’t promise anything
and what I owe I’ll certainly give back