The avant-guard

Борознин Павел
перевод: Павел Борознин.

And now it’s day, and now it’s night,
The Dark is changing up the Light,
And May is changing March for us
Like ace and queen in pack of cards.
I’ve put my sight in time-beyond,
I’ve not turned out from path to ground
And mixed my North and South in one
To lock the absurd circle on.
And now I’m able to fall up,
And curve the date-space on the top,
And throw the lightning from my eyes,
And fly so high to distant skies,
And cut the soul by steel-word blade.
All that’s revealed. All that’s I said.

There was a time, I was before
Not living by the magic law,
But now the words and thoughts will stay
For changing rules of our game:
To set new laws, while old will fall,
To make the others use them all,
And when the war comes to the scene
I will discard these laws again!
So that I caught a fire in fist.
Here my unsighted battle is.
I’m not the man I used to be –
The world is changing after me!