Вера Полозкова. Translation, adapted.. for me

Хэлен Маклин

Nothing changes, Babe. I have only turned twenty-three
You have cut your hair and cut it two times again..
You still stir, like coals,  these smouldering words in me,
And they start to burn...

Nothing changes, Babe. 'Cause beyond you the darkness falls.
You're the edge of light, the very limit of Light
What's essential - is only (hearing the curtain calls,)
When I'm reading - you watching me beside...
Nothing changes, Babe. You are beautiful as the Life!
I will never have any more important roles.

I will only turn thirty-three and then forty-three.
There's no doubt that you'll keep being the one to blame
in whatever flies..
It's a circuit. There's You to shuffle these words in me
Them to birn and You to stare at the flame.
It would be so mean to simply give up and die
While I'm still alive.

23/11/2010 ;-)