She looked at me in a rush hour crowd...

Àðêàäèé Øëÿïèíòîõ
She looked at me in a rush hour crowd.
And my inner voice talked to me clear and loud:
“Don’t you see her deep and beautiful eyes?
Don’t you feel how the warmth in your heart arises?
Follow her wherever she will go.”
So, I listened to this voice and did so.
Since then for many years I am by her side,
But now I have doubts if that voice was right.
A little worm is eating out a hole in my heart:
“Will you survive if the two of you part?
Will you find in the house cloth and food?
So shut up, don’t show her your cranky mood.
Don’t let inner voice screw you again
Say “Thank you God, she is still with me. Amen.”