On English program

every night i lay to my bed
it is play no role where it is
every man i say Hello
I don't  now who he is

Last night the moment
I close my eyes
Angel came to my my bed
He was looking at me
So I was a litle shy
and told me that Life is not bad

Tomorrow you open your shiny eyes
And would be a litle surprised
the world became really close to you
And everything would be allright

Do not forget than to thanks our god
for every breeth you do
Thanks to every one Who made
My dream so quickly come true.

This is the last day of the training program
There are many ways to go
Thank you all for been in my life
Hope  to meet you once more.

Wish you be happy
and praying for you
And promise your life would be fine
find yorself and believe to your dream
And  live honestly till  you die.