The Gipsy... imitation of Deep Purple

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She was smiling watching magic Gipsy’s Crystal Ball,
I asked her, why my damned life was pressed against hard wall? –
And the Gipsy turned and looked at my wrinkled, sad, doomy face,
Said that my life was “not an Ace”!..

Her penetrating coal-black eyes were watching my despair,
She was so calm – my hands were catched by treacherous coward’s tremble;
Laughing at my hesitation she only touched my cooling hand -
Said that my life was about an End!..

I went away from Gipsy’s house to a wild place near the rock,
While wondering felt suffering of such a cruel shock,
The whole day waste in reflections, climbed in edge of that rock then -
To bring my life to “happy End”!