When we came home across the hill T. S. Eliot

Костя Сергеев
Thomas Eliot

(from "The Harvard Advocate" 1907-1910)

When we came home across the hill
No leaves were fallen from the trees;
The gentle fingers of the breeze
Had torn no quivering cobweb down.
The hedgerow bloomed with flowers still,
No withered petals lay beneath;
But the wild roses in your wreath
Were faded, and the leaves were brown.


Мы шли домой, минуя холм,
ни одного еще листка
не сбросил лес. От ветерка
дрожали сети паутины.

Цвела ограда и кругом
незрима осени рука,
но розы твоего венка
поблекли, стали цвета тины.