here translated

Õýëåí Ìàêëèí
I was dreaming tonight, my love… And there was snow…
Snow can shine at night with this pure enigmatic light…
All around was covered with winter. Oh, you don’t know,
You have never seen, what it’s like – “absolutely white”!

I was wandering through forest, all alone, in delight,
I was grabbing snow with my hands and making it melt…
Haven’t you woken up in the middle of this sultry night?
Haven’t you felt that my arms were ice-cold?

I was making snowballs, throwing at passers by,
I must have been wearing my mittens and a fur…
Not a thing on Earth feels better: you close your eyes,
Lay down on your back and just sense it how snowflakes fall…

Yo te amo, baby! Don’t you leave me, I pray!
Be my Snow, be my Sun, be my Rain, be my Spring… Just be!
Be this new and hot feeling pulsing through my veins,
Be this frantic heartbeat frightening and gladdening me!

And I’ll wake up to see your sun rising, big and bright,
I will have my hot tea, despite the customs and heat,
I’ll still try to cover us with a blanket at night =)
Send my sister pictures so that she doesn’t miss me.
And I will be dreaming of snow from time to time.

But, my baby, I will not tell you about it.