Прекрасный Портмор

Татьяна Дра Лапшина
О Прекрасный Портмор, украшавший холмы!
Если б дуб по сей день в твоих рощах стоял,
Стены Портмора были б, как прежде, крепки,
За ними кончалась бы власть англичан.

О Прекрасный Портмор! Как больно мне знать
О жестоком убийстве красы твоей - древа.
Могло бы оно даже вечность стоять,
Но лодки Антрима пришли на наш берег.

Всё зверьё по лесам горько плачет в траве,
Им негде укрыться и негде уснуть.
Их дом - вечный дуб - только прах, что в земле,
И Прекрасный Портмор вместе с ним погребён.

Оригинальный текст народной песни:
Bonny Portmore

Music and Lyrics Traditional

O Bonny Portmore, you shine where you stand
And the more I think on you the more I think long
If I had you now as I had once before
All the Lords in Old England would not purchase

O Bonny Portmore, I am sorry to see
Such a woeful destruction of your ornament tree
For it stood on your shore for many's the long day
Till the long boats from Antrim came to float it

O Bonny Portmore, you shine where you stand
And the more I think on you the more I think long
If I had you now as I had once before
All the Lords in Old England would not purchase

All the birds in the forest they bitterly weep
Saying "where will we shelter or where will we sleep?"
For the Oak and the Ash they are all cutten down
And the walls of BONNY PORTMORE are all down to the

O Bonny Portmore, you shine where you stand
And the more I think on you the more I think long
If I had you now as I had once before
All the Lords in Old England would not purchase